Wanting means Letting Go

Marstering Society
1 min readJul 25, 2022

I am starting my own business — Parent Coach..

Been starting it for a little while now. Knowing myself, and what I am capable of, everything would have been finished by now successfully, I could have been done a VERY long time ago.

What is holding me back is not being clear on what I want. When I wasn’t clear on what I wanted, I attracted those I did not want. That’s right, moving from a country which poured with ambition to one with non, affects the living shit out of me.

So a couple of weeks ago, I set my intentions of what I want.

I want to be a successful Parent Coach who touches people’s lives.
I want to be surrounded by people who are ambitious.
I want to be surrounded by people who are successful in their businesses.
I want to be around people who feel content, confident and good.
I want to be around people who are comfortable in life financially and mentally.

And as I set forth my intentions, scary things begin to happen. Certain people are beginning to fade very subtly without immediate intention. My wanting is stronger than anything, repeating it everyday, speaking it out, and knowing it within my heart has been so powerful.

What thoughts are you willing to replace with YOUR wanting? Most importantly, what do You want?
Write it down today, tomorrow and repeat.



Marstering Society

I write about attempts of living outside the “Bubble Society” designed for Human Beings. Ladies and Gentlemen…Welcome to my thoughts. Embrace the “Aha” moments.